Please fill out the PDF application by downloading it here:
ALPhA Immersion Application for Equipment Grant Download Application

Then, completely fill out the form below, upload the completed PDF ALPhA Immersion application, and click submit.

You will also need to send us the photos of your advanced lab, as well as the official documents from your school, formally committing them to supplying the 50% of the funds necessary to purchase the advanced laboratory apparatus. Also, submit documentation showing that you are a current member of ALPhA. These documents may be sent by email to [email protected] or by mail to: 45 Penhurst Park, Buffalo, NY 14222-1013

The application will not be considered complete until all these documents have been received. You will be notified by email when the completed application has been received. The application deadline is September 1 of a given year.

    Your Contact Information

    Your Name (required)

    Address (required)

    City, State Zip (required)

    Your Phone Number

    Your Email (required)

    School Name (required)

    Department (required)

    Department Chair (required)

    Member of ALPhA?:

    Upload your completed PDF of the application here (required):

    About Your Immersion Experience

    Name of Mentor (required)

    Date of Immersion (required)

    School (required)

    Mentor's Email (required)

    Description of experiment (required)

    The Foundation has my permission to contact the mentor listed above in order to evaluate my performance during the Immersion:

    All information received in this grant application process will only be shared with the Foundations’ evaluation committee. Only successful applicant files will remain with the Foundation and they will be kept confidential. All other applications will be destroyed.