P0001237We wish to thank our donors for sharing our commitment to the advanced laboratory experience as an essential component of a physics major’s education. There are two kinds of Donors: MEMBERS of the Foundation and CONTRIBUTORS to the Foundation.

Current Members (as of 03/06/2025)

Friend ($100-$199)

Eric Ayars, California State University, Chico
Nancy Beverly, Mercy College
Nicolaas Bloembergen, Harvard, Univ of Arizona
Grace Bosse, Univ of North Florida
Jed Brody, Emory
Brad R. Conrad
Anne Cox, Eckerd College
Michael Crescimanno, Youngstown State Univ
Robert DeSerio, Univ of Florida
Hana Dobrovolny, Texas Christian Univ
Lorcan Folan, NYU Polytechnic
Meredith Frey, Sarah Lawrence
Cynthia Galovich, Univ of Northern Colorado
Richard Gass, Univ of Cincinnati
Venkatesh Gopal, Elmhurst Univ
Erwin L. Hahn, Berkeley
Edward B. Hale, Univ of Missouri Rolla
David Hartney
Floyd James, N. Carolina A&T Univ
Mary Lowe, Loyola Univ Maryland
David Maiullo, Rutgers
Mark Masters, Purdue University
Nicholas Nelson, California State Univ Chico
Jonathan Newport, American Univ
Shannon OLeary, Lewis & Clark College
Philip Pearle, Hamilton College
Joseph Peidle, Harvard Univ
David Pengra, Univ of Washington
H. David Sheets, Canisius College
Steve Spicklemire, Silicon Prairie Ventures, Inc.
Timothy Stelzer, Univ of Illinois
Cliff Stoll, Acme Klein Bottle
David Sturm, Univ of Maine
Matthew Sullivan, Ithaca College
Aaron Titus, High Point Univ
Diane Turnshek
Joshua Veazey, Grand Valley State Univ
Christopher Wentworth, Doane Univ
Nicholas Wolff, Lane College
Steve Wonnell, Johns Hopkins
Betty Young, Santa Clara University
Richard Zallen, Virginia Tech

Sponsor ($200-$499)

Marty Baylor, Carleton College
Fred Becchetti, Univ of Michigan
Elizabeth J. Beise, Univ of Maryland
Roger Bengtson, Univ of Texas Austin
Daniel Borrero, Willamette Univ
Kristan Corwin, Kansas State Univ
Arnold J. Dahm, Case Western Reserve Univ
Edward F. Deveney, Bridgewater State College
Eugenii Donev, Austin Peay State University
Nalini Easwar, Smith College
Khalid F. Eid, Miami University
Robert Fenstermacher, Drew Univ
Elizabeth George, Wittenberg Univeristy
Carl Grossman, TeachSpin, Inc.
William Heffner, Lehigh
Brooke Hester, Appalachian State Univ
High Energy Physics Group, Univ of Hawaii
Charles H. Holbrow, Colgate Univ
John Hubisz, N. Carolina State Univ
Herbert Jaeger, Miami Univ of Ohio
John Jewett, Cal Poly
Robert Leisure, Colorado St Univ
Svetlana Lukishova, Univ of Rochester
Laurence Lurio, N. Illinois Univ
Walter Massey, Past Chairman NSF
Declan Mulhall, Scranton Univ
Ram Rai, Buffalo State
Everett Ramer
David Reichert
Berol Robinson, UNESCO
Daniel Rosenberg, Harvard Univ
Steven Sahyun, Univ of Wisconsin Whitewater
James Schilling, Washington Univ
Reinhard Schumacher, Carnegie Mellon
Surendra Singh, Univ of Arkansas
Seth Smith, Francis Marion Univ
Lorraine Solomon, Brookhaven Nat’l Lab
Gabe Spalding, Illinois Wesleyan
Matthew Vonk, Pivot Interactives
Horst Wahl, Florida State Univ
Brian Washburn, Kansas State Univ
Bernard & Helen Weinstein, Univ at Buffalo
Joseph Wiest, West Virginia Wesleyan College
James Wynne, IBM
Richard Zitto

Supporter ($500-$999)

Van Bistrow, Univ of Chicago
Michael Brown, Swarthmore
Nancy A. Burnham, Worcester Polytech
Thomas E. Coan, SMU
Peter J. Collings, Swarthmore
Paul Crowell, Univ of Minnesota
Michael DeMarco, Buffalo State College
Melissa Eblen-Zayas, Carleton College
Nathanael Fortune, Smith College
Judy Franz, University of Alabama, Huntsville
Gary Gagliardi, Jory Engravers, Inc.
Steven Germano
Rick Hapanowicz
Stephen Heider, Holark Systems
Scott Heinekamp, Wells College
Andrzej Herczynski, Boston College
Robert Hilborn, Amherst College
Suzanne A. Kane, Haverford College
Randall Knight, Cal Poly
David Kraft, Univ of Bridgeport
David Lee, TeachSpin
Peter Lemaire, CCSU
Daniel Marlow, Princeton
Michael Martens, Case Western
Horst Meyer, Duke Univ
James H. Michels, Suny Brockport
Jim Parks, Univ of Tennessee
Tim Ritter, Univ of North Carolina at Pembroke
Brian Schwartz, CCNY
Natthi Sharma, Eastern Michigan Univ
James D. & Laura R. White, Juniata College
Kurt Wick, Univ of Minnesota
Jeremiah Williams, Wittenberg College
Linda Winkler, Minnesota State, Moorhead

Patron ($1,000-$5,000)

Anonymous (1)
Anonymous (2)
Linda Barton, RIT
Ernest Behringer, Eastern Michigan Univ
Ken Bloom, Univ of Nebraska
Robin Cantor, STAR Cryoelectronics
Robert & Karolyn Eisenstein, Univ of Illinois
Joseph Kozminski, Lewis Univ
Paul G. Hewitt & Lillian Lee, San Fran State
Richard Krantz, MSU Denver
Peter Lindenfeld, Rutgers
Jonathan Maps, Univ of Minnesota, Duluth
Robert F. & Mary Marzke, Arizona St
Bill Melton, UNC Charlotte
Logan McCarty, Harvard
Bruce D. McCombe, SUNY Buffalo
James P Moscato CPA
Lyman Page, Princeton
Chris Pearson, Univ of Michigan
Emmy & Robert (Bob) Rosenberg, In Memory Of
Jonathan Rosner, Univ of Chicago
Michael & Ami Salzman
George Seidel, Brown University
Donald Shapero, Nat’l Academy of Sciences
Mel Siegel, Carnegie Melon Univ
Charles P. Slichter, Univ of Illinois
Medford Webster, Vanderbilt

Life Benefactor (over $5,000)

Russell Chipman, Univ of Arizona
Stephen & Janet Gorfien, In Honor of Gilbert Brink
Harvey & Ellen Leff, Cal Poly
Abigail Peterson
Randy Peterson, Sewanee

Founding Life Member

Norman Jarosik, Princeton
Richard Peterson, Bethel College
Donald Schuele, Case Western Reserve
Hattie Segal
Jonathan F. Reichert
David VanBaak, TeachSpin
Barbara Wolff-Reichert, TeachSpin

Contributors (as of 03/06/2025)

Ashley Carter, Amherst College
David Cohen
Donald & Vicki Collins, Warren Wilson College
Nathaniel Cunningham, Nebraska Wesleyan Univ